emergency dentistry

Emergency Dentistry: Bleeding, Teeth Knocked Out, Infections

Dii August 31, 2022

Dental emergencies indeed cause a lot of pain, swelling, and discomfort and can even lead to troublesome issues in the future. Most importantly, dental emergencies come in different forms and need timely action.

When a child’s tooth fails, there are a few reasons to get in touch with an emergency dentist. But when there is, for instance, a knocked-out tooth, it is considered a dental emergency.

Failure to get the best treatment might reduce the possibility of restoring the tooth and cause infection around the infected tooth. Boarding an ambulance may take you to an emergency dentist rather than the hospital, and this will be quite helpful.

This post discussed some common dental emergencies and how emergency dentistry can help deal with them.

  • Bleeding

Several factors lead to bleeding gums. It can be too hard brushing and even eating hard foods. In case you haven’t flossed in the near past, you may face bleeding right after you floss. If the bleeding remains persistent, gum disease such as gingivitis might occur.

Initially, you may not need to see an emergency dentist, but eventually, it can turn out to be serious. It can harm your overall health and well-being and permanently damage your teeth and gums. Conditions of excessive bleeding can be a sign of underlying infection to the gums, and you must seek treatment immediately.

  • Knocked Out Teeth

Teeth knocked out of the mouth because of a heavy impact can be very painful. For many, it comes as a shock. But now you don’t have to worry, and there are the best possible treatment possibilities that you can opt to deal with knocked-out teeth. According to the American Association of Endodontists, dentists can easily reinsert and preserve teeth by taking quick action.

Before you go to visit your dentist, you must:

  • Pick up the tooth very carefully by the top and make sure not to touch the root
  • Rince it properly without scrubbing
  • Try reinserting the tooth in the socket
  • In case you are not able to reinsert it, keep the tooth in a container of water or milk
  • Visit your emergency dentist immediately. This will increase the possibility of saving the tooth.

There are many dentists who market themselves for emergency situations. You can reach them to get the best help and back your tooth in its place.

  • Infections or Abscessed Tooth

A tooth abscess is mainly caused by an infection that invades the tooth’s root. Any dental infection within the tooth can damage the root. It can also happen because of a tooth injury. In most of the cases, patients seek emergency treatment because of painful symptoms they come across.

It is quite unfortunate that most people do not even know that they have an abscessed tooth until the symptoms get extremely severe. Common symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, severe headaches, swelling, fever, small lumps on the gums, etc. So, if you think that you have an abscessed tooth, don’t give it a second thought and seek attention through emergency dentistry.

The infection can be drained and rinsed in case of an abscessed tooth, but in some cases, the person might need to get a root canal. In case the infection is severe, the person might also need extraction.