Periodontitis or Gingivitis

Periodontitis or Gingivitis? New Dental Implants May Grow Back Your Gums

Dii September 27, 2022

Losing your tooth is an awful experience that can ruin your looks. Dentists can rectify the issue using dental implants, which is why every dentist is promoting dental implants. An implant helps you perform your regular activities, such as chewing effectively.

In the past, dental implants did not support the lost gums to grow back. However, the new dental implant enables your lost gum and bone tissues to grow back, making your teeth firm. The technology is licensed and approved for use on dogs, and soon it might be approved on humans.

The implants trigger your tissues for a repair mechanism leading to regenerated healthy tissue. It comprises medical-grade porcine gelatin and Regum, providing a regenerative scaffold technology platform. With time, the scaffold biologically degrades.

Periodontal diseases cause infections and inflammations on your gum tissues. In the early stages, it’s called gingivitis, and if it progresses, it is called periodontitis. Therefore, getting periodontal treatment as soon as possible is imperative. Both have different signs, and you should know everything about them.

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a mild gum disease that causes minor issues and is reversible if treated early.


  • Red, swollen gum
  • Bleeding gum when brushing or flossing.
  • Randomly bleeding gum


Treatment minimizes inflammation. Treatment options include:

Oral hygiene: This includes brushing and flossing regularly using the proper techniques.

  • Professional dental cleaning

A dentist will perform a professional cleaning procedure for all the bacteria causing the inflammation.

  • Antiseptic mouthwash

It’s a mouthwash procedure using chlorhexidine to reduce bacteria in your mouth.

What is a periodontist?

If you don’t treat gingivitis, it will progress to severe gum disease or periodontist. This is an inflammation of the gum and bone tissues that hold your teeth. As it progresses, a periodontist can cause teeth loss or loosen your teeth.

Symptoms of a periodontist

Periodontist happens in stages, and the severity depends on the stage. The symptoms include:

  • Red, swollen gum
  • Bleeding gum
  • Gums recede from your teeth
  • Sensitive teeth and pain while chewing
  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth


Periodontist is an advanced stage of gum disease and requires better treatment measures to reduce the inflammation. The treatment options include

  • Oral hygiene: By maintaining oral hygiene, periodontitis will slow down and help you prevent further tooth loss.
  • Professional dental cleaning. A professional dentist will thoroughly clean to remove tartar and plaque from your teeth. By removing the dirt, your gums can reattach to the teeth.
  • Antibiotics. If the periodontal disease is severe, the dentist will prescribe and apply oral or topical antibiotics.

Causes of gingivitis and periodontitis

The primary cause of gum disease is plaque buildup. Plaque ‘eats’ sugar in your mouth and releases waste byproducts that cause inflammation.

Other factors include:

  1. Hormone changes. Pregnant women experience hormone changes that increase the inflammatory response of the gum tissue. Also, hormone changes during puberty might increase the chances of gum diseases.
  1. Nutrition.You have a high likelihood of gum disease and inflammation if you consume low vitamin C or a high intake of refined carbohydrates.
  1. Medications.Some drugs and prescriptions can reduce your saliva. Saliva helps in cleaning your teeth and controlling bacteria. Without it, you will have a higher chance of getting gum diseases.

In summary

Gum diseases have varying severity depending on the stage. If treated early, gum diseases are reversible by undergoing periodontal treatment. If not treated, you can lose your tooth due to damaged gum. In such a scenario, you will need a dental implant. Unlike other implants, the new dental implants enable your gums to grow back.